Domain Theft: How to Avoid Buying Stolen Domain Names and Protect Your Own Domains
Previously we shared some interesting tips about domain hijacking, where we discussed a few concepts, information and tips to prevent this kind of malicious activity against your domain names.
SecurityTrails Engineering: Major Updates to our Domain Discovery Pipeline
We've made major engineering advancements in the process of locating domains that are normally hard to obtain. We've developed an autonomous system that allows us to process 10s of TBs of data daily, to find domains and subdomains from numerous sources, verify them and then add all those domains to our database.
Preventing Domain Hijacking – 10 Steps to Increase your Domain Security
OS Server daemons (also known as services), as well as applications, always require security hardening to prevent remote attacks. Previously we posted two great articles about server hardening: How to prevent DNS Attacks and another one dedicated to increasing your SSH Server Security. However, your entire online business can suffer if you neglect another key part of every Internet business: your domain name.
How to use name server records to locate malicious domains en masse
Malicious domains often come in the form of phishing sites looking to steal usernames, passwords, and other sensitive information by impersonating a well-known brand. Mitigating phishing threats requires constant attention by information security teams. In this post we’ll demonstrate the value of DNS records, specifically name server (NS) records to locate phishing and other malicious sites en masse.
Exploring Microsoft Subdomains
Using SecurityTrails to explore subdomains inside popular companies is one of our favorite pastimes: you never know what you will find. And no matter if we are exploring giant agencies or companies, as covered in FBI subdomains and Google subdomains, or small IT companies: you can always find some gems.
Uncovering 5,707 Hilton Empire's Domain Names
Some time ago, our team wrote a very cool post about 3,450 Trump Family's Registered Domains. Today we continue our journey, revealing another massive domain registration by a famous US based company.
Finding Phishing Domains with SecurityTrails
A few days ago we wrote an article demonstrating how anyone could easily have fun finding keyword based domains.
Fun with Partial Domain Search
DNSTrails and SecurityTrails allow you to explore the details of your domain names and IPs, or the ones used by your competition as we've seen in previous posts.